WARNING: Do not install packages directly (with M-x package-install or M-x straight-use-package). Use the above link or install with the command 'sudo snap install qalculate'. Mac Install Gnuplot X11 Install Gnuplot Mac Homebrew Ancient versions are available at the old project page at. Old versions can be found at the project page for libqalculate and qalculate-gtk. Most distributions for Linux provide packages (which may or may not be outdated) for Qalculate!, and all its dependencies, which you can install using the distribution's standard installers. Does not include any languages other than English.
Self-contained binaries: qalculate-3.17.0-x86_64.tar.xzĮxtract and run from anywhere on most GNU/Linux distributions. Use the above link or install with the command 'sudo snap install qalculate'.Ī flatpak package is available at Flathub (/apps/details/io.github.Qalculate).Ĭlick the above link or use the command 'flatpak install '. Linux binaries:A snap package, with all dependencies included, is available at snapcraft.io/qalculate. The 64-bit binaries can also be installed using the Windows Package Manager (winget). No application data are read or written outside of the unpacked directory.
The portable file can be unpacked and run without further installation. Use compatibility mode to avoid keyboard input issues with 32-bit version. Requires at least Windows Vista or higher (has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10). Windows binaries:Includes the graphical user interface and CLI, and all dependencies, except Gnuplot.